The representative from california has the floor zieg heil to the president gasman.
Say hey the representative from california has the floor.
A gag a plastic bag on a monument i beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies this is the dawning of the rest of our lives on holiday hey say hey the representative from california has the floor zieg heil to the president gasman bombs away is your punishment pulverize the eiffel towers who criticize your government bang bang goes.
The representative from california has the floor sieg heil to the president gasman bombs away is your punishment pulverize the eiffel towers.
Hear the sound of the falling rain coming down like an armageddon flame hey.
The representative from california has the floor sieg heil to the president gasman bombs away is your punishment.
Hear the sound of the falling rain coming down like an armageddon flame the shame the ones who died without a name.