They can see large areas of the seafloor at one time.
Satellites are good tools to map the ocean floor because.
Satellites are used to map the ocean floor because.
The shape of the ocean surface itself reflects large features on the seafloor below.
Satellites measurements of the ocean surface can be used to make maps of the seafloor.
Satellite imagery may also be used to map features in the water such as coral reefs.
Sea floor geology is far simpler than the geology of the continents because erosion rates are lower and also because the continents have suffered multiple collisions associated with the opening and closing of ocean basins.
Through satellite oceanography surface maps have been created that would take years to construct through the conventional bathymetry means of vessels mapping the floor through echo sounding.
They are unaffected by surface weather.
Satellites are used to map the ocean floor because.
Satellite imagery may also be used to map features in the water such as coral reefs.
Data collected by satellites and remote sensing instruments were used to created a model at least twice as.
Volcanic peaks on the deep ocean floor with conical tops are called.
All the above statements are correct.
Researchers today published the most detailed map of the ocean floor ever produced.